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Blender and Substance Painter Practice (Marketplace Weapon Pack)

I made this pack in June of 2022 when I was first moving across from Maya to Blender so I'd have something specific to make as part of the process, it was also one of the first projects I used Substance Painter for. It's pretty rough, the models are quite basic and I'm not doing anything too creative with the texturing, but it was valuable for learning the marketplace pipelines. It's published on both the Unity and Unreal marketplaces.

UE Marketplace:
Unity Asset Store:

Unreal Marketplace promo image

Unreal Marketplace promo image

Unity Asset Store promo image

Unity Asset Store promo image

I really liked the silhouette of the dagger. The other models are also all on Sketchfab for viewing.

I really enjoyed doing the kind of glamour shots for the marketplace listing

I really enjoyed doing the kind of glamour shots for the marketplace listing

Certainly the most complex model, so it has a much higher tri count than the others. Also initially had some normals issues I needed to correct for submission.

Certainly the most complex model, so it has a much higher tri count than the others. Also initially had some normals issues I needed to correct for submission.

I gave the bows very simplistic armatures so you could draw and fire them.

I gave the bows very simplistic armatures so you could draw and fire them.